This is a second draft of my post.
The first ended up being one long rant about all the reasons why I am glad our live-in helper has returned to Indonesia for good. I deleted it when i realised it doesn't matter anymore. It was the past.
All that matters was that she was honest. I could trust her to take care of my boys. She was really very good at laundry and a part of me was really sad, maybe still sad, that she has left us.
But it is a step in the right direction. We will be going on without a live-in helper. My mom was a successful career woman and mother with no live in helper, and I shall be too!
So day 1.
Hubby and I woke up 1/2 hour earlier today. The boys were still asleep. Phew! I made their morning milk bottles while hubby showered. Their school bags were all packed and ready to go.
7am: We woke them up, got them into their party clothes- they're celebrating Christmas today in school, got them to brush their teeth.
7.10am: I washed my face, brushed my teeth, pulled on some decent clothes and a tudung. Hubby rinsed the bottles and left them in the sink for me to finish up.
7.15am: Lined them up to wear their shoes. Ihsan ran back inside and refused to come out because he wanted to bring a picture of Bob the Builder with him. We told him he'd get to eat a christmas log cake if he went to school. He quickly ran out of the house.
7.20am: Finally out of the house and off to school.
7.23am: Boys arrive at school for temperature and HFMD checks (their school is at our void-deck, so it's quite a speedy journey).
7.30am: Successfully done temperature checks, mouth, hand and feet checks. Hubby heads off to work.
I head back upstairs.
Ordinarily, I'd come up get ready for work and be out of the house by 8.15am. But today, I'm on leave. So i spent the morning clearing out her room and turn it back into a study cum laundry room. I also changed my sheets and arranged for some laundry ppl to pick them up to be cleaned (it's Dec and there's no sun, I'd rather save myself the trouble).
The new study cum laundry room...Work in progress... |
Hubby confided to me that he was pretty scared about how we'd be able to cope without a live-in helper.
I replied, " Yar! You better put in your fair-share of work to keep this household together.
But the truth is....I am afraid too! But I think we can do it. It's going to take some hard work and discipline to manage this household, my challenging work and the rambunctious twins, but I think it'll be okay.
Wish me luck okay?