
as if the morning just wasn't beautiful enough. hubby surprised me by turning up at my office with a lovely bouquet of flowers. no special occasion. it was, just because. one of the girls said, ' actually, the courtship period is always the best, as that's when they shower you with gifts.' I responded plainly, 'Err my hubby rarely (like once or twice in a span of four years) bought me flowers.' She replied, 'Wah, then this is a positive improvement!'



Pretty Eveel Adventures: surprise!

Thursday, October 29, 2009


as if the morning just wasn't beautiful enough. hubby surprised me by turning up at my office with a lovely bouquet of flowers. no special occasion. it was, just because. one of the girls said, ' actually, the courtship period is always the best, as that's when they shower you with gifts.' I responded plainly, 'Err my hubby rarely (like once or twice in a span of four years) bought me flowers.' She replied, 'Wah, then this is a positive improvement!'




Anonymous sonia said...

That's just the sweetest thing ever!!! *pets Iman*

November 4, 2009 at 8:17 AM  

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