Perth in 10 days, with 8 adults, 3 kids and a really cute baby girl! (Introduction)

So... I'm under some pressure to get my posts on our recent family trip to Perth out. Which is a good thing, because the memories are freshly imprinted in my mind. And because, I so want to capture the wonderful (and not so wonderful memories of travelling with the terrible two-ers) memories for my boys to read, when they're old enough, I'm going to blog about it in a series of posts I've entitled ' Perth in 10 days, with 8 adults, 3 kids and a really cute baby girl!'.

Why? Read on!

Anyway, I hope you will enjoy this series, as much as I'm going to so enjoy putting it together.


Our adventures must obviously start with one question and one question only- How did 8 adults, 3 kids and a baby decided they wanted to go to Perth for a holiday?


One of my bestest friends from Secondary School had moved to Perth after her 'O's. I had never visited her even though we've kept in touch and she visits in Singapore quite often. So I decided, 2013 would be THE year, that hubs and I will bring the boys to Perth to visit. 

We thought by that time, we would have the guts to go through aiport security and custom checks, with 2 prams, 2 little fidgety boys AND suitcases. It also seemed realistic that by that time, we could imagine  spending 4-5 hours in a small confined space with our 2 very active little boys and a planeful of passengers who just want to relax and enjoy inflight entertainment, without one of three scenarios unfolding:

Scenario 1:  Boys throw uncontrollable tantrums and, Hubs and I throw ourselves out of the plane
Scenario 2:  Boys throw uncontrollable tantrums causing us to throw the twins out of the plane and 
Scenario 3: Boys throw uncontrollable tantrums, I breakdown in hysterics while hubs blocks everything out and continues to watch 'The Intership' on KrisWorld...and the other passengers throw all 4 of us out of the plane. 

In short, it would be a good time to test our mettle as parents of young twin boys.

Shared my idea with my mom, who said that she wanted to go to Perth too. She wanted to visit a cousin who had recently moved there. 'Great!' I thought. It would be great, if my mum and dad could come. It would mean much reduced probabilities of the 3 scenarios I outlined above, happening. This would be fabulous!

Then younger brother went, 'Oits! We also want to come!' His newborn would have been about 7 months. And it would be about time, both him and my sis-in-law would have emerged from the drunken stupour of (a) having plopped out a newborn into the world (my sis-in-law, not so much my brother), (b) having had to fuss over a cranky newborn day and all night and (c) having to deal with a firstborn who is going through a painful identity crises having lost his status as only-child, so very recently.

I kinda thought, 'Oh shucks, this kinda evens up the possibilities of the 3 scenarios. In fact, the odds could work against us! It could be ALL 4 of us AND our 4 kids being thrown out of a flying aircraft.

But blood is thicker than my paranoia, so it was settled then, 6 adults, 3 kids and 1 little uber cute baby girl!

Then just a few months before we were arranging for tickets. Mum mentions randomly to some of her sisters that she was headed to Perth. And one of them said, " Oits! I also want to come! And I'm bringing along my daughter".

I'm not sure whether she knew what she was getting into, when she hollered,"Oits!" Cos, when my mum told me, my aunt and my younger single cousin was coming along,  I was thinking to myself,"Are they friggin crazy? It is going to be an absolute circus with the twin terrible two terrors, a 7-month old baby who screams her head off everytime she's made to lie down and a little 3-year old boy who gets into daily scuffles with the twins.

Anyway. We warned them. Told them that we were planning an itinerary centred around keeping the kids occupied (who really cares what the adults want? Right?). And reminded them that we would not take any responsibility for any mental health issues or physical hurt they may encounter, or inflict upon themselves, if the children...or for that matter...any of the other them mad.

Mum assured me that there was no need to ask them to sign a legal indemnity form. 

And so it was, that we embarked on our adventure of Perth in 10 days, with 8 adults, 3 kids and a baby.

Stay tuned...
In the next installment of Perth in 10 days, 8 adults, 3 kids and a really cute baby girl....
Unexpected Spring Showers initially dampen spirits but, nothing stops the party of 11 from spending some super cool time feeding super sleepy kangaroos at Caversham Wildlife Park....

A sneek peek of what's to come!....

Pretty Eveel Adventures: Perth in 10 days, with 8 adults, 3 kids and a really cute baby girl! (Introduction)

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Perth in 10 days, with 8 adults, 3 kids and a really cute baby girl! (Introduction)

So... I'm under some pressure to get my posts on our recent family trip to Perth out. Which is a good thing, because the memories are freshly imprinted in my mind. And because, I so want to capture the wonderful (and not so wonderful memories of travelling with the terrible two-ers) memories for my boys to read, when they're old enough, I'm going to blog about it in a series of posts I've entitled ' Perth in 10 days, with 8 adults, 3 kids and a really cute baby girl!'.

Why? Read on!

Anyway, I hope you will enjoy this series, as much as I'm going to so enjoy putting it together.


Our adventures must obviously start with one question and one question only- How did 8 adults, 3 kids and a baby decided they wanted to go to Perth for a holiday?


One of my bestest friends from Secondary School had moved to Perth after her 'O's. I had never visited her even though we've kept in touch and she visits in Singapore quite often. So I decided, 2013 would be THE year, that hubs and I will bring the boys to Perth to visit. 

We thought by that time, we would have the guts to go through aiport security and custom checks, with 2 prams, 2 little fidgety boys AND suitcases. It also seemed realistic that by that time, we could imagine  spending 4-5 hours in a small confined space with our 2 very active little boys and a planeful of passengers who just want to relax and enjoy inflight entertainment, without one of three scenarios unfolding:

Scenario 1:  Boys throw uncontrollable tantrums and, Hubs and I throw ourselves out of the plane
Scenario 2:  Boys throw uncontrollable tantrums causing us to throw the twins out of the plane and 
Scenario 3: Boys throw uncontrollable tantrums, I breakdown in hysterics while hubs blocks everything out and continues to watch 'The Intership' on KrisWorld...and the other passengers throw all 4 of us out of the plane. 

In short, it would be a good time to test our mettle as parents of young twin boys.

Shared my idea with my mom, who said that she wanted to go to Perth too. She wanted to visit a cousin who had recently moved there. 'Great!' I thought. It would be great, if my mum and dad could come. It would mean much reduced probabilities of the 3 scenarios I outlined above, happening. This would be fabulous!

Then younger brother went, 'Oits! We also want to come!' His newborn would have been about 7 months. And it would be about time, both him and my sis-in-law would have emerged from the drunken stupour of (a) having plopped out a newborn into the world (my sis-in-law, not so much my brother), (b) having had to fuss over a cranky newborn day and all night and (c) having to deal with a firstborn who is going through a painful identity crises having lost his status as only-child, so very recently.

I kinda thought, 'Oh shucks, this kinda evens up the possibilities of the 3 scenarios. In fact, the odds could work against us! It could be ALL 4 of us AND our 4 kids being thrown out of a flying aircraft.

But blood is thicker than my paranoia, so it was settled then, 6 adults, 3 kids and 1 little uber cute baby girl!

Then just a few months before we were arranging for tickets. Mum mentions randomly to some of her sisters that she was headed to Perth. And one of them said, " Oits! I also want to come! And I'm bringing along my daughter".

I'm not sure whether she knew what she was getting into, when she hollered,"Oits!" Cos, when my mum told me, my aunt and my younger single cousin was coming along,  I was thinking to myself,"Are they friggin crazy? It is going to be an absolute circus with the twin terrible two terrors, a 7-month old baby who screams her head off everytime she's made to lie down and a little 3-year old boy who gets into daily scuffles with the twins.

Anyway. We warned them. Told them that we were planning an itinerary centred around keeping the kids occupied (who really cares what the adults want? Right?). And reminded them that we would not take any responsibility for any mental health issues or physical hurt they may encounter, or inflict upon themselves, if the children...or for that matter...any of the other them mad.

Mum assured me that there was no need to ask them to sign a legal indemnity form. 

And so it was, that we embarked on our adventure of Perth in 10 days, with 8 adults, 3 kids and a baby.

Stay tuned...
In the next installment of Perth in 10 days, 8 adults, 3 kids and a really cute baby girl....
Unexpected Spring Showers initially dampen spirits but, nothing stops the party of 11 from spending some super cool time feeding super sleepy kangaroos at Caversham Wildlife Park....

A sneek peek of what's to come!....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really look forward to reading it. :)

October 4, 2013 at 3:08 AM  
Blogger eveeleva said...

I'm def going to start cracking on it!

October 4, 2013 at 11:08 AM  
Blogger imp said...

can't wait for more!

October 4, 2013 at 4:41 PM  
Blogger eveeleva said...

Awww...thanks babe!

October 5, 2013 at 11:50 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

HI, could you share with me your itinerary?


September 8, 2014 at 4:43 PM  

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