Because of Elmo, I owe NLB money now.

Got this in the mail this morning

I didn't have to open it.
I already knew what it said-
"You have a book you haven't returned, and well you're going to pay 
an unnecessary fine for being too lazy to get your bum bum down to the library to return it!'

Okay...not in those words exactly.

It's true. We've been hanging on to Elmo for like 2 weeks too long. Maybe even 3 weeks.
In fact we were hanging on to a bunch of books 2 weeks too long and when we finally got to the library to return them, I realised too late that this Elmo book was still at home.

I know, I know- how difficult is it to get to the library?
And yet....this book is still with us.

And it's not even a good book. It's much too advanced for the boys, but they love Elmo and anything with Elmo. Frankly, I think there are no good Elmo books around. I went to get one at Times and I thought it was so badly written. I was just relieved I didn't go around ordering a whole bunch of different Elmo books I was checking out on Amazon, as I think they're all not written very well. 

The boys love the books because of Elmo really, but in terms of the way the books are written,
I don't think it does my kids language development a favour.
Words don't rhyme, there's no flow and tempo to the sentences that will immediately catch the boy's attention (or mine). And hey, that's important too. If i don't enjoy reading the book to the boys, then what hope is there that they'll love the book or story too?

Anyway, it IS time to get this returned. And I need to find the boys some new books. I think I can't run away from needing to get some Elmo related books that I enjoy reading too, as they'll just hound me with the ones we already have that I don't quite like. 

Any tips? 
Yeah, maybe some tips about how you deal with these 'flavour of the moment' themes/character books may help. For example, how long will this Elmo faze last, and the next character faze begin? It'll be stupid for me to get another 5 books Elmo related only to find that they decide Dora the Explorer is more interesting right?

I don't mind Dora- some girl power will rock it here. FAR too many book on Boy-sie stuff! 



Pretty Eveel Adventures: Because of Elmo, I owe NLB money now.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Because of Elmo, I owe NLB money now.

Got this in the mail this morning

I didn't have to open it.
I already knew what it said-
"You have a book you haven't returned, and well you're going to pay 
an unnecessary fine for being too lazy to get your bum bum down to the library to return it!'

Okay...not in those words exactly.

It's true. We've been hanging on to Elmo for like 2 weeks too long. Maybe even 3 weeks.
In fact we were hanging on to a bunch of books 2 weeks too long and when we finally got to the library to return them, I realised too late that this Elmo book was still at home.

I know, I know- how difficult is it to get to the library?
And yet....this book is still with us.

And it's not even a good book. It's much too advanced for the boys, but they love Elmo and anything with Elmo. Frankly, I think there are no good Elmo books around. I went to get one at Times and I thought it was so badly written. I was just relieved I didn't go around ordering a whole bunch of different Elmo books I was checking out on Amazon, as I think they're all not written very well. 

The boys love the books because of Elmo really, but in terms of the way the books are written,
I don't think it does my kids language development a favour.
Words don't rhyme, there's no flow and tempo to the sentences that will immediately catch the boy's attention (or mine). And hey, that's important too. If i don't enjoy reading the book to the boys, then what hope is there that they'll love the book or story too?

Anyway, it IS time to get this returned. And I need to find the boys some new books. I think I can't run away from needing to get some Elmo related books that I enjoy reading too, as they'll just hound me with the ones we already have that I don't quite like. 

Any tips? 
Yeah, maybe some tips about how you deal with these 'flavour of the moment' themes/character books may help. For example, how long will this Elmo faze last, and the next character faze begin? It'll be stupid for me to get another 5 books Elmo related only to find that they decide Dora the Explorer is more interesting right?

I don't mind Dora- some girl power will rock it here. FAR too many book on Boy-sie stuff! 




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