Pretty Eveel Adventures

Pretty Eveel Adventures: April 2011

Sunday, April 24, 2011

eveeleva where have you been?

An anonymous someone left me a comment on my last post over a whole month ago.  It said, ' No new posts?'.

Sorry peeps, it's been a madhouse here since then. The twins adjusted age (age from when they were due and not when they were born) is now about 2 months, which means they're staring to show social behaviour. They are smiling, cooing and loving company. Which also means that they like to chit-chat, fight the urge to sleep and therefore get really really cranky sometimes. One cranky baby is handful enough, imagine two!

They also still wake up for night feeds, and with 2 babies waking up at different times of the night and early morning, mommy and daddy are severely sleep deprived.

BUT things are slowly getting into gear and we're starting to get into a rhythm that does give me a better grasp of time. Tonight for example, it's 9.30pm and both are already fast asleep (but with a feed coming up in about a half hour to an hour and a half, depending on how well they sleep). 

So I will be blogging again soon, but it will mostly be about the babies for now. There's nothing else happening in my life other than the two of them!

Till next time, I leave you with these 2 photos that we just took of them for their passports. I think they're incredibly cute, then again i AM their mother. *chuckle*

Guess who is who?
