Pretty Eveel Adventures

Pretty Eveel Adventures: November 2010

Sunday, November 28, 2010

my twin pregnancy journal- feeling weighed down

25 weeks

I've gained 10 kilos since i got pregnant. Doctor Tham expects me to put on another 2.5 kilos every 3 weeks, so i'm expected to put on another 10 kilos before i deliver at 37 weeks.  That's absolutely crazy!
When was the last time i put on 20 kilos within a year? Never lah!


The good news is that the twins are about 900g each. Doc said that he'd have been pleased if they were between 500-800g at this stage. Well, i guessed it, I'm carrying giant twins. This explains why i'm so huge, my back is killing me, and my brother thinks i look like a whale.

I do feel like a whale..a beached whale. Put me in water, and i'm a-okay. I glide effortlessly, weightless and serene. But once i'm out on land, it's just a constant struggle.

And expectedly, with 2 giant babies, and the extra hormones running around, i've been feeling down. i'm still feeling blessed that i'm expecting twins and happy that their progressing well, and right at this moment, apparently playing a game of futsal in my tummy...but i've just been feeling down.

It really has something to do with just not feeling like a shadow of myself. Sigh. It really doesn't help when i tell some people about how i feel, to hear them say, "oh, you'll never feel like yourself again!".
crap lah! Even so, let me find out on my own. I really need to stop talking to these party poopers. Yeesh!
